Monday, December 22, 2008
Pork Quality Assurance Training - PQA+ and the TQA Training
When: January 9, 2009
Where: Tifton Conference Center - Tifton, Georgia - Rooms 4 & 5
Audience: Commercial Pork Producers or Facility Managers
Dr. Robert Dove will be teaching the classes.
10:00-12:00- PQA +
1:30-4:30 TQA
There is no charge for the classes.
If you need further information, please contact Ken Lewis with UGA Cooperative Extension at 229-386-3812
The PQA+ and the TQA training being discussed are for the producers in the state. Producers need both of these certificates to be able to sell their animals to major packers. In the past County Agents were able to do the PQA training, however when PQA+ was introduced, agents and teachers were no longer included in the group of potential instructors. The PQA certificates were grandfathered until they expired. Many of them will expire in the next year and state faculty will have to conduct trainings to educate the producers.
Currently, there are 2 people in the state that can give PQA+ training (Dr. Robert Dove and Dr. David Reeves) and Robert is the only one trained to give the TQA training. Most (if not all) major packer that we are currently hauling to are requiring the PQA+ and most will require TQA by the end of 2009.
Recalls of Cocoa Products (December 19)
Three holiday G and J Gourmet Market Cocoa Products are being recalled, and this recall includes distribution nationwide to Big Lots stores and Shopko. The concern is possible melamine content. No injuries have been reported and only a few samples have, in fact, been found to include melamine. However, the manufacturer is proceeding with this recall in the interest of public health and the safety of American consumers.
Here is the FDA press release. have no further information myself; consumers are being urged to return the products to the place of purchase for a refund. There is a toll-free contact from the manufacturer provided in the FDA press release.
Elizabeth Andress
Professor and Extension Food Safety Specialist
Director, National Center for Home Food Preservation
Department of Foods and Nutrition
The University of Georgia
Monday, December 15, 2008
Georgia Master Gardeners Winter Conference: Winter on the Flint
Winter on the Flint: The Quest for Sustainable Landscapes in a Changing World
Georgia Master Gardeners Winter Conference
Darton College in Albany, Georgia
February 6, 7 & 8, 2009
Speakers will include:
- Rick Darke, Author
- Jim Fowler, Naturalist
- Dr. Katherine Kirkland, Ph.D., M.S. Ecology
- Jason Powell, Owner of Petals from the Past
- Janisse Ray, Author, Naturalist, Activist
Our GOLD sponsor is Wright Turf ~
You can get more information and register for the conference at
You can also contact
Dougherty County Cooperative Extension Office
125 Pine Ave., Suite 100, Albany, GA 31701
(229) 436-7216 or
Carla Heard (229) 734-5696
Juby Phillips (229) 888-0864
Friday, December 5, 2008
New forage publications
The new publications are:
- Soil and Fertilizer Management Considerations for Forage Systems in Georgia
Link PDF
- Georgia Forages: Grass Species
- Georgia Forages: Legume Species
Link PDF
- Alfalfa Management in Georgia
- Forage Lectures on Video
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Well water has rotten-egg smell? You can fix that...
By Jim Crawford
University of Georgia
Back when I was in junior high school, nothing tasted as good as cold water after track practice. But the rotten-egg smell of that "sulfur water" was enough to make a fellow go thirsty.
This is a fairly common condition in privately owned deep wells. Bacteria cause the smell. But don't be alarmed. Not all bacteria are the coliform type that poses a health hazard. Different species can cause odors without threatening the quality of your water.
If you have rotten-egg water, first check your wellhead to make sure you're not getting contaminated water into the well from any sort of runoff. If the top is secure, you can still get bacteria in the system. Many experts used to think the subsurface earth served as a giant filter to trap bacteria before it could enter the groundwater. That's not true.
We know now that many types of bacteria are native or adapted to saturated sediments and rock. Given time and a route, these bacteria will eventually find a way into the water system and can easily cause odors and off-taste.
The most common way to sanitize a well is with shock chlorination. Just use household bleach from any grocery or hardware store. But don't use scented chlorine products. Make sure you warn everyone in your home not to use the water during the treatment.
Depending on the amount of water in your well, the process can take many hours. You might want to arrange for an alternative source of drinking water for several hours or time the treatment for when you're asleep. Calculate the amount of bleach you'll need by figuring the amount of water in the well. Just subtract the depth to the water from the total depth of the well. Multiply that by 0.65 for a 4-inch well or 1.47 for a 6-inch well. Then add another 100 gallons for the tank and hot water heater. Use 3 pints of chlorine bleach for every 100 gallons. But you may want to double this amount if you have a really bad odor problem.
The odor is caused by hydrogen sulfide, which tends to neutralize chlorine. Fill the water tank, and be sure it's pressurized. Remove the well cap on the wellhead and pour in a 50:50 mixture of chlorine and water, or alternate pouring fresh water and chlorine into the well.
Hook a garden hose to the outdoor faucet nearest the well and place the end of the hose inside the well. Turn it on full force to circulate the water. Thoroughly rinse the sides of the well casing during this recirculation process.
When you can smell chlorine, stop and turn on the cold water taps in your kitchen and bathrooms until you smell chlorine from them, too. Flush the toilets. Then let the water stand in the system for at least 8 hours (12 to 24 is better). After this time, run the water outlets until the chlorine smell is gone.
Don't allow more than 100 gallons of chlorine-treated water to enter the septic system. A slight residual chlorine taste and odor will likely remain in the water for a couple of days, but it shouldn't be a problem.
Even after shock chlorination, the sulfur smell may return. Sometimes it's from the bacteria reacting with the anode rod in electric water heaters. You can solve recurring problems with sulfur-smelling water after shock chlorinating with a treatment system designed to remove hydrogen sulfide.
To learn more, get the circular, "Your Household Water Quality: Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfate," at your nearest University of Georgia Cooperative Extension office (1-800-ASK-UGA1). Or get a copy online at
Thanks to Jim Crawford for this, and I hope you can get rid of the smell.
- R.J.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Bioenergy Hot Spot: Meigs, Georgia
On November 20, when Woodlands Alternative Fuels announced that it would build a wood pellet plant in Meigs, Georgia, few were surprised. Like Woodlands Alternative, many bioenergy companies have been flocking to Georgia over the last couple of years. There have been so many, in fact, that the state has dubbed a large swath of the state the Bioenergy Corridor. Many credit the state’s Bioenergy One Stop Shop with this success.
In April 2006, Georgia formed the Georgia Renewable Energy One-Stop Shop. The One-Stop Shop, which is now part of the Georgia Center for Innovation in Agriculture, holds working meetings in which pre-screened businesses are given an opportunity to present and discuss their bioenergy projects with representatives from over 20 state and federal agencies. The companies leave with the contacts they need to get started. The resulting streamlined permitting process takes just 90 days in most cases.
Georgia has also adopted income tax credits to offset the costs of installing biomass power plants and other renewable energy technologies. The credit covers up to 35 percent of the cost of a solar, wind, geothermal, or biomass installations. For businesses, the ceiling for the credit is $500,000, though the credit cannot exceed tax liability. Taxpayers are also eligible for credits resulting from the transportation of wood waste to biomass facilities on a per-ton basis.
When Woodlands Alternative opens in June 2009, it will join three other pellet plants (including Fram Renewables), a cellulosic ethanol industry led by Range Fuels (which is currently building the first commercial scale facility to produce ethanol from wood), and multiple wood-based power plants (like the one that Rollcast Energy will build to supply Santee Cooper with electricity). Because of these projects and others like them, we select Georgia as our Bioenergy Hot Spot this month.
Another article - link1 link2
Looks like the wood pellet industry is growing more and more. As the article states, this will be the 4th pellet plant in Georgia once it is up and running. Plus, it is in our own backyard.
- R.J.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Georgia Made Georgia Grown Products Website Available
Free Marketing Website for Georgia's Arts-centric Businesses
It's here -- Georgia's Creative Economies website for marketing and promoting Georgia Made Georgia Grown Products. The website will connect buyers and sellers, corporations and corporate suppliers, locals and visitors to Georgia's creative small businesses. The listing is free to Georgia-based artisans, theaters, crafters, agritourism venues, festival planners and others looking to enhance their marketing and advertising.
In order to prepare the website for its launch and an expected 35,000 plus monthly visitors; local creators, museum & gallery owners, farmers, entertainers and destination managers must self populate the database with their business information and imagery. Simply go to and follow the instructions. Approved entries will be posted FREE for one year.
All businesses who register between November 21 and December 21, 2008 will be included in the first round of search results for this much-anticipated, first-of-its-kind and FREE website. Companies and individuals can register everyday; however, registering between Nov. 21 - Dec. 21 will ensure inclusion when the site debuts. Registering early also enters you into a drawing for a Georgia Made Georgia Grown Products gift basket.
Georgia's Creative Economies Initiative is galvanizing arts-centric businesses and promoting Georgia Made Georgia Grown Products. Please assist us in getting the word out to the arts, theater, agriculture, entertainment and creative business community.
Visit to learn more about this economic development effort led by the Georgia Tourism Foundation. Please feel free to contact the Georgia Tourism Foundation via email at for more information.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Master Gardener Class Offered - Deadline Extended!
New Deadline - December 9th, 2008
Info below and Registration form here.
Thomas County Extension will offer a Master Gardener Class beginning Tuesday, January 20, 2009. The course is open to residents of Thomas, Brooks, Colquitt, Mitchell, and Grady Counties. All classes will be held at the Thomas County Extension Office, 227 West Jefferson Street. The classes will be held on January 20th , 22nd, 23rd, and starting January 26th, every Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. for 10 weeks, ending on Wednesday April 1st.
The Georgia Master Gardener Program is a volunteer recruitment and training program of the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. The main purpose is to train volunteers to provide unbiased, research-based, environmentally sound, horticulture information to the public. Those completing the course will have a much greater knowledge of horticultural practices and will be expected to share their knowledge by volunteering 50 hours back into the community.
Most potential Master Gardeners want to know what community service entails. Community service is any activity in which your newly acquired horticultural knowledge is shared with others. These activities may include advising other citizens with caring for their landscapes, writing horticultural newsletters, working with youth, assisting with beautification projects, judging school projects dealing with agriculture, or civic and garden club presentations.
Most classes will be taught by extension agents and specialists from the University of Georgia. The following classes will be taught:
Introduction to the Master Gardener Program
Soil and Plant Nutrition
Botany/Plant Physiology
Basic Entomology/Pathology
Weed ID and Control
Using the Pest Control Handbook
Vegetable and Herb Gardening
Insects and Diseases of Vegetables
Herbaceous Ornamentals
Selecting Woody Ornamentals
Maintenance of Woody Ornamentals
Turf Selection and Maintenance
Diseases of Turf and Ornamentals
Developing a Waterwise Landscape
Insects of Turf and Ornamentals
Composting and Mulching
Fruit Gardening
Structural and Household Pests
Nuisance Wildlife
Registration fee for this class is $125.00 which includes a copy of the Georgia Master Gardener Handbook. A minimum enrollment of 10 participants is required to conduct this training. Maximum enrollment is 25 participants.
The deadline to apply is Tuesday, December 2, 2009. Applications may be obtained at Thomas County Extension Office at 227 West Jefferson Street or by visiting our website If you have any questions, please contact R.J. Byrne, Thomas County Extension Agent at 229.225.4130 or
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
HOTC Day - Painting the office's front hand rails...
Thanks to all the volunteers!
- R.J.
Monday, September 15, 2008
2008 Sport Fish Pond Management Workshop

Topics and Demonstrations include:
· Water Quality
· Choosing a Fish Stocking Program
· Beaver Control Methods
· Weed ID and Management
· Pond Liming and Fertilization Methods
· Pond Shocking
Where: Camp Piney Woods,
233 HWY 84W Bypass,
Thomasville, GA 31792
GPS Coordinates: 30˚52’24.04”N 84˚02’18.03”W
Download a Map
When: Friday, September 26th,
8 A.M. to Noon, check in starts at 7:30
Cost: $25 by September 25th, $35 after.
Includes refreshments, meal and a workbook.
You can register by calling the Thomas County Extension Office, or by mailing in your payment to the Address below, and include your Name, City, Phone Number, Email Address, and how you heard about the workshop.
For more information and to register, contact R.J. Byrne, CEA
Phone: 229.225.4130
P.O. Box 49, Thomasville,GA 31799
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Local Farmers Look To Peanuts for Bio-diesel
Posted: 5:15 PM Sep 5, 2008
Last Updated: 5:15 PM Sep 5, 2008
Reporter: Caroline Blair
Email Address:
Now many farmers are turning to peanuts to help ease the pain at the pump. The nuts are made up of nearly 50% oil.
The USDA's Peanut Bio-diesel Project began several years ago to help take peanuts from the field to the fuel tank.
And on Friday in Thomasville, area farmers got the chance to hear how the program is progressing and what they can do to start planning for a bio-diesel rich future.
"You know I spend anywhere from give to seven thousand dollars a month in fuel alone and if we could get the numbers they talk about at $2.50 a gallon that cuts my fuel costs in half, so you're looking to save $3000 a month," said local wildlife business owner Alan Dennard, who is very interested in making and using bio-diesel for his business.
Researchers say they are constantly working on ways to cut costs and that growing peanuts for fuel gives farmers control and independence.
The University of Georgia's Thomas County Extension Agency hosted the informative meeting with the USDA's Chris Butt's as guest speaker.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Interested in growing commercial blueberries???

Monday, August 25, 2008
Mosquito Control
"Stinging and Biting Pests of People" located here (with a PDF version available):
I also recommend the following three FACES articles, which have printable versions available for distribution if necessary.
"Tips to Keep Mosquitoes Away" --
"Control Mosquito Larvae in the Water" --
"Protect Yourself against Mosquito Baby Boom" --
Preparing for Floods & Flash Foods
There's also some good info about "Preparing for Floods and Flash Floods" on our Natural Disasters "Flooding" page at the following link (a PDF is available there for printing and distribution):
2. How and what documents to secure and protect from flooding. See the "If Time Permits, Protect Your Possessions" fact sheet located here:
This information is also included in the "What To Do Before and After A Flood" PDF fact sheet.
3. How to clean flooded areas / homes. See the "What To Do Before and After A Flood" fact sheet (mentioned in #2) -- particularly the "Restoring Vital Services" portion, which has lots of information on everything from cleaning household appliances to furniture to pillows to books, etc.
Info on mold control
2. On our Natural Disasters in Georgia page under the "Flooding" section (located here: I recommend taking a close look at the topics under the "What To Do Before and After a Flood" link. There are two in particular under the "Restoring Vital Services" subhead that would be useful for learning about mold control -- one on "Flooded Walls" and another on "Floors & Carpets."
A Consumer's Guide to Food Safety: Severe Storms and Hurricanes (FSIS-USDA)
The publication is found online in HTML at:
and as a PDF booklet at:
This publication has a couple of tables dealing with "when to save and when to throw out" for both refrigerator and freezer foods. It also discusses what to do with food in containers exposed to flood waters.
We have a UGA Cooperative Extension fact sheet, "What to Do if the Freezer Stops", in both English and Spanish:
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Master 4-H Status “The Ultimate Goal!"

The State 4-H Congress delegates are district project achievement winners who compete for state honors and the right to represent Georgia at National 4-H Congress. District Project Achievement is a public speaking contest on a subject the 4-H’er chose. It is the reflection of a year’s work complied into a portfolio and a verbal demonstration. Portfolio’s are broken down into subject areas similar to a resume. Categories consist of an introduction page, main project work, main project sharing and helping, leadership and teen leadership, community service and citizenship activities, other activities and events, and 2 pages of supporting pictures. The youth are encouraged to memorize their 10-12 minute speeches. Typically six or eight poster and/or visual aids are also used during the presentation. University faculty members and other expert judges evaluate their work and interview them on their portfolio and presentation.
District and/or Area Project Achievement is promoted yearly and open to 9 year olds through 12th grade. District Project Achievement is an educational tool that meets many language arts Georgia Performance Standards. The key components of the project achievement teaching tool are research, organization, summary, and expression.
District and Area Project Achievement is both educational and fun. The competition is a real motivator, not necessarily motivation to win over others, but to exceed any previous accomplishments of their own. We set standards in project work and encourage 4-Hers to exceed those standards. Many State Congress delegates began competing as early as 5th grade in order to prepare for State Congress.
Blake Williams, son of Bret and Angie Williams received the honor to compete in the Power and Energy project. He graduated from Thomas County Central High school last year. Blake won first place in the state competition and achieved the prestigious title of becoming a Master 4-H’er. The donor of his project was the Georgia 4-H Foundation. His project was about how to properly install a ground fault circuit interrupter outlet. His project work included countless hours working with his family business, community service, and other 4-H activities and events. He will receive an all expense paid trip to represent Georgia at National 4-H Congress in November.
"I feel that the challenges that I have faced along with my accomplishments through out my 4-H years have given me the extra discipline and perseverance needed to succeed in life!" Blake Williams said.
J.T. Wynn, son of Henry and Cindy Wynn competed in the Horse project. He recently graduated from Thomas County Central High School. J.T. placed 3rd in the state competition. J.T presented a leather demonstration entitled: Introduction to Saddle Making: 101. J.T. owns a leather business, "Just the Thang" Leather Goods. His project donor was the Georgia 4-H Foundation. J.T. served as summer 4-H camp counselor at Rock Eagle 4-H Center, was a member of the State and District 4-H Board of Directors, 4-H Horse Club president, and he participated in countless community service projects.
The 4-H’ers were busy from the time they arrived. The event was held at the Crowne Plaza in Atlanta. An opening assembly honoring state 4-H scholarship winners and 4-H Volunteers for Success winners was first on the agenda. District meetings and check in followed. Dinner and competition presentations by the 4-H Performing Arts projects rounded out the evenings events.
For more information contact Thomas Counties, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension at (229)-225-4130.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Master Wildlifer Program in September
Master Wildlifer is a program recorded by Clemson University Extension as a short course for landowner and land managers across the Southeast who are interested in integrating wildlife considerations into their current land use. Farmers, forestland owners, and others interested in wildlife will find Master Wildlifer to be a wealth of practical information that will serve as a guide to develop an d improve wildlife habitat on their land. Special emphasis will be placed on wildlife species (game species) that currently offer landowners additional sources of income through recreational access fees.
Additionally, Master Wildlifer will include a local 3 hour class on fish pond management, plus a 3 hour field tour of a private property that is intensively managed for game.
Classes are on Tuesday evenings [6:30 to 9:30pm], September 9, 16, 23, 30, except for the field day on Friday, September 26.
Cost is $105 by September 2nd, $130 after.Spouse/Partner fee - $30Alumni fee single/partner - $20/$30
Download the brochure here and fill it out and send in.
More info???? Please contact R.J. Byrne - 229.225.4130 or
Friday, August 8, 2008
Agrosecurity Awareness Training, August 13th, Macon, Georgia
Agrosecurity Awareness training is offered by the Georgia EmergencyManagement Agency in cooperation with the Georgia Department of Agriculture and the University of Georgia for those who have a potential role in responding to an agricultural incident. This training provides information on the scope of agriculture in Georgia and impacts of terrorism or disaster, recognition of potential threats, notification procedures, and how to better prepare your community for an agriculture or food emergency. Participants include those involved in production agriculture or agribusiness, as well as first responders from local and state governments and volunteer organizations who respond to all types of emergencies. Examples include:
- Agricultural chemical distributors and retailers
- Agriculture Educators, Agricultural fair managers, Agriculture-related organizations and cooperatives
- Emergency Management, Law Enforcement, and Fire Fighters, Environmental Health Officers and Health Care responders.
- Food processing, wholesale and retail managers and employees, Farmers and commodity group leaders
- Food & Agriculture-related Local, State and Federal agency personnel
- Livestock and poultry industry and Green Industry representatives, Public Works, State government leaders and congressional staff., Veterinarians, technicians, assistants and animal health specialists, Other first responders
6 hours credit is offered in each of the following categories:
- Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training Council (post).
- Georgia Firefighters Standards and Training.
- Georgia Department of Human Resources, Office of Emergency Medical services.
- Georgia State Board of Veterinary Medicine
4.5 hours Certified Crop Advisor credits: 1.5 Pest Management; 2.0 Crop Management; 1.0 Pest Detection
Southern Chapter ISA credits: 2,25 Arborist; 1.5 BCMA Science; 2.25Municipal; 0.075 BCMA Management
Additional credits are being sought including Pesticide Applicators Recertification. Status of these credits will be sent to registrants priorto training.
Vineville Methodist Church
2045 Vineville Ave
Macon, GA 31204
(478) 745-3331
Directions: From I-75, take exit 164/Hardeman Ave. Travel toward downtown Macon. Merge onto Vineville Ave. Turn right onto Forrest Ave. Vineville Methodist Church will be on the right. Park behind the church and Enter through the double glass doors.
If you get lost, call (478) 745-3331.
The training is free, but PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED: Registrants should send their name, address/city/state/zip, day-time telephone number, occupation, e-mail address, and the date of training you wish to attend to, or fax to 706-542-7905.
There will also be another training on September 3 also in Macon. Trainings are from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Wal-Mart Commits to America's Farmers as Produce Aisles Go Local
BENTONVILLE, Ark., July 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Wal-Mart today
announced its commitment to source more local fruits and vegetables to keep
produce prices down and provide affordable selections that are fresh and
healthful. The retailer also reported that partnerships with local farmers
have grown by 50 percent over the past two years -- one example of the
company's efforts to support local economies, cut shipping costs and provide
fresh food offerings.
Today, hundreds of growers across the United States provide produce sold
in Wal-Mart Supercenters and Neighborhood Markets, making Wal-Mart the
nation's largest purchaser of local produce. During summer months, locally
sourced fruits and vegetables that are both grown and available for purchase
within a state's borders make up a fifth of the produce available in Wal-Mart
"Offering local produce has been a Wal-Mart priority for years, and we're
taking it to a new level with a pledge to grow our partnerships with local
farmers. We're committed to purchasing locally grown produce whenever
possible," said Pam Kohn, Wal-Mart's senior vice president and general
merchandise manager for grocery. "Increasing the amount of local produce in
our grocery aisles -- and adding clear locally grown signage -- reflects our
dedication to offer the freshest products possible at great prices."
Wal-Mart announced its locally grown commitment in a Supercenter in DeKalb County, Ga. today. The event featured an in-store farmers' market with growers
on hand to educate customers about produce. Just in time for the Fourth of
July, Georgia Wal-Mart Supercenters have many of the ingredients customers
need for a locally grown celebration: sweet Georgia-grown Vidalia onions for
their Independence Day burgers, Georgia cantaloupes and watermelons for a
fabulous fruit salad, and Georgia peaches for cobbler. A complete list of
locally grown produce available by state is at
"Georgia is proud of its family farmers who lead the production of many
important fruits and vegetables like our famous Georgia peaches and
watermelons," said Donnie Smith, Governor Sonny Perdue's Agriculture Liaison.
"Thanks to Georgia producers and companies like Wal-Mart, Georgia will
continue to be recognized as a trusted provider of high quality fruits,
vegetables and other agricultural products to feed America's families."
Georgia onion farmer Delbert Bland is one of the growers who participated
in the Decatur event. His family farm has been in operation in Glennville, Ga.
since the 1940s, and he is featured on in-store signage in the Atlanta area.
"We are proud to see our onions sold in Wal-Mart stores across Georgia and
knowing that we are helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is an added
value," said Bland. "Our business would not be where it is today without the
support of Wal-Mart."
Economic Impact
Wal-Mart estimates that it purchases more than 70 percent of its produce
from U.S.-based suppliers, making the company the biggest customer of American
agriculture. This year, Wal-Mart expects to source about $400 million in
locally grown produce from farmers across the United States.
Wal-Mart's relationships with U.S. suppliers also extend beyond its
support of local agriculture. Beyond produce, Wal-Mart partnered with 61,000
U.S. suppliers in 2007 and supported millions of supplier jobs nationally.
Shortening the Distance from Farm to Fork
Beyond the benefits to consumers and economic opportunities for farmers,
Wal-Mart's commitment to locally grown produce is helping to reduce "food
miles" -- the distance food travels from farm to fork. It is estimated that in
the United States, produce travels an average of 1,500 miles from farms to the
homes of consumers. Through better logistics planning, better packing of
trucks and local sourcing, Wal-Mart expects to save millions of food miles
each year.
In addition, Wal-Mart is working with state departments of agriculture and
local farmers to develop or revitalize growing areas for products like corn in
Mississippi and cilantro in Southern Florida which had not grown there before
or which were once native crops.
New In-Store Presence
Wal-Mart now highlights locally grown produce in its stores across the
country. Customers will find it easy to recognize locally grown fruits and
vegetables with signs that include official state-grown marks, indicating
approval by their state's agriculture department.
The company is also dedicating space on its web site to locally grown
produce, including farmer profiles and recipes. For more information, visit
About Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT)
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. operates Wal-Mart discount stores, Supercenters,
Neighborhood Markets and Sam's Club locations in the United States. The
company operates in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico and the United
Kingdom. Wal-Mart serves more than 176 million customers weekly in 14 markets.
The company's securities are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the
symbol WMT. For more information:
SOURCE Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Deisha Galberth of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 1-800-331-0085
Thursday, July 24, 2008
SouthEast BioEnergy Conference 2008
In our third Southeast Bioenergy Conference, experts will be on hand to deliver the latest information and answer your questions on the changing face of this market. Ron Fagen, President and CEO, Fagen Inc., will keynote the conference. The man and his company has the best handle on the pulse of the industry and will share his insights for the future. Joining him in the headlines will be Gale Buchanan, USDA’s Under Secretary for Research, Education, & Economics, relaying why the U.S. will need more than bioenergy to meet the energy needs of the future. Jose Luis Oliverio, Senior Technology and Development Vice President, Dedini Industrias de Base, will share his perspectives on how the Brazilian biofuels market developed and why it will be successful in the U.S. Guest Speakers from throughout the Southeast and beyond (led by Dr. David Bransby, Auburn University) will share their experiences and vision for the Southeast. Attendees will :
- Discover the energy contained in forest products and how you can add value to your bottom line.
- Explore new and emerging technologies with companies on the cutting edge.
- Learn the role of water and other environmental issues play in the development of bioenergy.
- Acquire valuable insight to ably evaluate bioenergy project investment--expectations, market potentials and pitfalls.
- Hear what aspects of crops grown for bioenergy are important for conversion to biofuels/bioenergy.
- Examine the importance of a quality product, ample supply, and marketing.
- Find ways to incorporate energy conservation and renewable energy production into your business, your community and your home.
- Gain insight from our group of financial experts in the art of the deal.
- See new and innovative tools that are making the business of bioenergy more efficient and effective.
- Uncover ways to “waste not; want not”.
- Build invaluable contacts for your current or future project.
Join us for Southeast Bioenergy Conference 2008.
The dialogue begins August 12th at 8:30 a.m.!
Click on this link to register...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
4-H Shotgun Team Shoots Down State Title!!
Competing against eight other teams (46 shooters total) from around the state, Thomas County’s Jr. (7th and 8th grade) Team walked away with first place honors and the State Championship trophy.
The four member team included Brandon Barnes, Brice Evans, Trey Lanier, and Nick Murphy.
Thomas County’s two Sr. teams competed against 28 teams, a total of 104 shooters. Sr. Team members included Gordon MacQuirter, Josh Smith, Brittany Vinson, Chelsea Vinson, Blake Williams, and Jon Wynn.
Individual honors were as follows: Brandon Barnes – 5th overall in Trap and 5th overall in Trap & Skeet combined; Brice Evans – 2nd overall in Trap and 8th overall in Trap & Skeet combined; Trey Lanier – 5th overall in Skeet and 11th overall in Trap & Skeet combined; Gordon MacQuirter – 5th overall in Trap and 10th overall in Trap & Skeet combined.
"We are proud of all Thomas Co. 4-H competitors. They did an awesome job representing Thomas County and the 4-H S.A.F.E program" said Amanda Carter.
Anyone interested in the 4-H S.A.F.E. program, please contact Amanda Carter or Cindy Wynn at the Thomas County Cooperative Extenstion (4-H) office at (229) 225-4130.
Friday, July 11, 2008
8th Conservation Production Systems Training Conference and 30th Southern Conservation Agricultural Systems Conference
Topics to be covered include: · Precision Ag Management Tools, · Water/Irrigation, · Organic Production, · Pest Management, · Bioenergy Shifts, · Technology in Conservation Tillage and much more!
Please see the brochure here.

Tobacco Budworms Attacking Peanut Blooms
Steward and Tracer gives good to excellent control of budworms. Lannate gives good to excellent quick-kill control with short residual but, Lannate can be harsh on beneficials. Orthene gives fair to good control but, there is the potential for flaring mites. I have been informed that there should be an adequate supply of these insecticides warehoused in SW GA. NOTE: The pyrethroids are NOT appropriate insecticides for controlling tobacco budworms.
To avoid any confusion as we move through this moth flight, it would be wise to confirm the presence of budworms vs. corn earworms in a representative number of fields. Through time we may shift to an earworm moth flight. This would allow us to use some less expensive insecticides, such as the pyrethroids, when and if this occurs.
There are other worms in the mix. Some beet and fall armyworms are present in some fields. Even though no cutworms have been reported, they will be found in some fields. The tobacco budworm should be the main target in most cases.
Protect Landscape Trees Now from Drought Injury
Professor of Tree Health Care, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, UGA
Trees across Georgia are declining due to drought. Drought stressed trees may have fewer or smaller leaves. Small or large limbs or the entire tree may die. Although trees can withstand some drought injury, some trees may require months to years to recover from drought injury. Trees also may not show damage immediately. When they do, it may be too late to save them. Protect trees now from drought with proper care.
How to Water
The best ways to water trees are by soaker hose or drip irrigation. Automated lawn sprinklers are less efficient for applying water to trees. Even a garden hose, moved often, can provide a good soil soaking. Use a light organic mulch to conserve moisture and apply water over the top of the mulch. Do not pile mulch against the base of the tree or allow water to concentrate at the base of the trunk as this can lead to pest problems.
Where to Water
Most of the tree's absorbing roots are in the top foot of soil. Applying water deeper than this misses the active roots and wastes water.
Lay-out water hoses or applicators out to the tree crown edge (drip-line). Water the soil areas directly beneath the foliage and shaded by the tree. Do not water beyond the drip-line and do not water closer than 4 feet to the trunk base on established trees.
Use mulch and slow application rates on slopes, heavy soils (clays), and compacted soils to assure water is soaking-in and not running-off. Do not spray tree foliage when applying water. Water droplets on tree leaves can lead to pest problems. Try not to wet the tree’s trunk.
Young, newly planted trees need additional watering care. Water has limited horizontal movement in soil. You must apply water directly over where you need it in the soil. For new trees, concentrate water over the root ball, as well as the planting area.
Old, large trees can be watered over the entire area under their foliage. Another method in watering large trees is to water roughly 1/3 of the area within the drip-line.
When to Water
The best time to water is at night from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Trees refill with water during the night. Watering at night reduces losses to evaporation and assures that more water moves into the soil and tree.
For every 18°F increase in temperature, the amount of water lost by a tree and the site around it almost doubles. Consider this when watering trees. Trees surrounded by pavement and other hot, hard surfaces can be 20-30°F warmer than a tree in a protected, landscaped backyard. Water use rapidly climbs with increasing temperatures, and so should water application volumes.
How Much To Water
Depending upon soil texture 1 to 2 inches of water per week should sustain a tree. Trees in limited rooting areas, in containers or pots, or on major slopes, need additional care to assure water is reaching the root system in adequate amounts and not suffocating roots from lack of drainage. Five gallons per square yard is about 1 inch of water.
Fine soils (clays) require careful attention to prevent over-watering and root death. Sandy soils can dry out rapidly since water runs out of the rooting zone quickly. Composted organic mulch on the soil surface can help prevent rapid loss of applied water.
How Often To Water
Water trees once or twice a week (minimum of 1 inch per watering) in the growing season if there is no rainfall in that particular week. A few heavy waterings are much better than many light, shallow waterings. A greater proportion of the applied water is used by the tree with heavy, infrequent watering. Once you begin watering, continue to water until rain comes.
Drought is the main cause of tree decline but beware of other factors that damage roots and lead to long-term tree decline and death.
Do not fertilize or use pesticides on severely drought stressed trees.
Do not dig or drive under the canopy of trees or do other things that kill or crush roots.
Do not pile soil under tree canopies. When adding soil to cover roots etc., add no more than 1 inch per growing season.
Protect the critical root zone of the tree. Measure the trunk diameter at chest height in inches. Multiply this by one and a half. This will be the size in feet of the radius of the circle that you must protect around the tree. For instance, a 20 inch diameter tree would have a critical root zone with a radius of 30 feet. Avoid digging, piling soil, trenching or driving through this area.
For more information:
Shade Tree Decline -
What's Wrong With My Tree? -
Call your local Extension Agent at (800) ASK-UGA1 or locate your local Extension Office at
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Early Season Water Requirements for Peanuts
- Peanuts have low water requirements the first 30-50 days of the season.
- The root system of a peanut can usually go deep enough to capture water deeper in the soil profile to sustain the plant during early season drought, unless a hardpan restricts the root system.
- With the increased cost of irrigation due to increased cost of energy/fuel, save irrigation when peanuts most need water. This is when plants begin to peg and fill out their pods.
- Research by Dr. Craig Kvien has shown no yield difference when peanut fields were watered during the 20-50 days after planting and those that received no water during the same time.
- Once a field enters the reproductive growth stage of peanut by flowering and pegging, the water demand begins to increase sharply. At that time it is best to use either Irrigator Pro or UGA EASY Pan to trigger irrigation.
- R.J.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Rust on Blueberries
Within the last few days, we have found at least one significant blueberry rust site in south Georgia. You might want to encourage your producers to scout for this disease at this time. The rust spores can be easily observed in spots on the underside of leaves, but in the early stages, the same spots on the upper leaf surface might possibly be confused with Septoria leaf spot or chemical damage. I have never personally observed rust this early in the season (normally found in late July or August), and this disease can defoliate plants, resulting in subsequent yield losses in the following year. Fungicides which are active against rust include chlorothalonil products (Bravo), DMI products (Indar, Orbit, Tilt), and strobilurin-containing products (Cabrio and Pristine); encourage producers to apply these according to the label, and rotation between classes of chemistry will help to prevent resistance development.
For more info on blueberry dieseases, check out UGA's publication here.
Friday, June 6, 2008
What about the Bees?
To read more, visit the link -
Monday, April 14, 2008
2008 Wheat Disease Update, April, SouthWest Georgia
Don and I scouted some fields last week and noticed a few spots with some minor disease pressure. Spraying ahead of the game allows you maximize your yields.
If using fungicides, make sure you use enough water to ensure good coverage. 20-30 gal/acre for ground applications, and 5-7 gal/acre for aerial.
Wheat Production Guide
UGA Wheat Disease Info (scroll down to wheat)
Intensive Wheat Management in Georgia
Here is a video of us scouting a field last week.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Some tips to save on production costs...$$$
- using reduced tillage compared to intensive tillage can reduce fuel costs up to 50%
- consistent travel patterns can save on fuel, crop inputs, and labor
- switching to florescent bulbs can have an expensive up front cost, but last longer and use less energy
- properly inflated tractor tires helps reduce slippage and fuel loss
- regularly scheduled tractor maintenance [air filters, fuel filters] helps keep tractors running at peak performance
- don't use a sub-soiler any deeper than necessary to break up compacted soil
- use of cover crops can capture some N and may help reduce commercial N fertilizer costs
- keep records, and you may find that you can save in other areas in future crop production
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
What To Do About High Fertilizer Prices In Cotton Production?
UGA Cotton Team Soil Scientist Dr. Harris gives a few tips:
Unfortunately there are no “silver bullets” when it comes to getting around these prices. Cotton needs a certain amount of nutrients. These need to be supplied from the soil and from applied fertilizer. The higher the yield goal, the more nutrients the cotton plant needs.
Banding P and K fertilizer does not increase uptake efficiency on soils with medium or higher P and K soil test levels. If you cut the recommended rate of P and K because you apply them in a band you may also cut your yield.
Some things that may be helpful to weather the storm of high fertilizer prices this year include:
1) Soil test – Important to do every year anyway but even more important now. Makes the cost of soil testing pale in comparison to the value of knowing where you stand.
2) Apply the recommended P and K, and ¼ to 1/3 of your total N rate at planting. If using chicken litter as a preplant fertilizer, calculate how much N, P and K is applied.
3) Tissue test around first square if you suspect any micronutrient problems (mainly Mn or Zn) especially due to high soil pH.
4) Sidedress N between first square and first bloom with the appropriate N rate for expected yield goal. Give yourself a 30 lb N/a credit if following peanuts or a legume cover crop.
5) Starting at first bloom, petiole test to fine tune N, K and boron needs. This is especially recommended if you are cutting your N rate compared to previous years because you thought you were high, or if using chicken litter since it is not easily predicted exactly how much and when N will be released from the organic portion of the litter.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Price Risk Management for Purchased Feed Users
If you are interested in manageing price risk of feed, then sign up for this informative workshop sponsored by University of Georgia, University of Tennessee, and CSREES.
You can call our office -Thomas County Extension at 229.225.4130 or Brooks County Extension office to sign up for the workshop.
Monday, April 7 • Quitman, GA
Brooks County Agriculture Building
400 East Courtland Avenue
Quitman, GA 31643
9:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M.
Pre-Registration Required
Includes a sponsored meal
No Registration Fee
Topics to be covered
Participants will learn about sources of price risk
for purchased feed and have an overview of tools
available to help manage that price risk.
Using the Futures Market to Hedge or Lock-in a
Price for Feed
Participants will be introduced to the concept of
hedging and how they can use the futures market
to lock in a price or set a ceiling price for their
feed to be purchased at a future date.
Using Options (Puts) to Manage Price Risk for
Participants will learn how puts can be used to
set a ceiling price at a known cost.
Seasonal Tendencies of Feed Grains and Byproduct
Participants will learn about the price history of
feed grains and by-products and how this can be
helpful in timing purchases or pricing of feed.
Use of Charts to Improve Timing of Pricing
/Marketing Decisions
Participants will learn how technical analysis or
charting can be used to improve the timing of
pricing decisions in both the cash and futures
Price Outlook for Feed
Participants will learn about the current situation
and outlook for feed prices.
Follow Up Opportunities to Practice Price Risk
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Landscapers learn about irrigation audits

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Steer & Heifer Show Winners
Hog Show Results
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
UGA/USDA Conservation Tillage Workshop

Tifton, GA
8:00 – 9:00 AM Registration in the NESPAL building on the UGA Tifton Campus
9:00 Dr. Dana Sullivan, USDA-ARS Tifton and Dr. Gary L. Hawkins, UGA-Tifton
9:10 Coexistence of Conservation Tillage and Bioenergy production
Dr. Tim Strickland, USDA-ARS, Tifton
9:40 Low cost management of cotton crops
Jeff Dean, Farmer, Appling County
10:10 Water management with different cover crops
Dr. Gary L. Hawkins, UGA-Tifton
10:40 Corn response to long term conservation tillage
Dr. Dana Sullivan, USDA-ARS, Tifton
11:10 Winter crop biomass response to fall deep tillage
Dr. Randy Raper, USDA-ARS, Auburn, AL
11:40 Economic Impact of the 2007 Farm Bill on Conservation Tillage farmers
Amanda Ziehl, UGA-Tifton
12:10 Lunch
1:00 Field tour
Various cover crops
Various planting dates
Potential new crops
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Landscaper Irrigation Auditing
Improving Efficiency of Landscape Irrigation Systems
Learn How To Perform Irrigation Audits and Add Value
Where : Thomas County EMS Building, 1202 Remington Ave
When : Tuesday, March 18th, 2008
Who To Contact : UGA Thomas County Extension Office,
R.J. Byrne, 229.225.4130
(Classroom Session)
CONDUCT IRRIGATION AUDIT……...……………………………...2:35 - 4:00
(Perform live demonstration with hands on training)
(Pesticide Credits: 3 hours Cat.24 and private applicator have been applied for.)
Knowing how to conduct a landscape irrigation auditing is essential for anyone responsible for designing or managing irrigation systems on urban landscapes such as residential lawns, sports fields, parks, commercial properties, and golf courses. The audit procedure will also benefit municipalities and city water utility personnel, particularly those interested in developing urban water conservation programs. The presentation will introduce the participant to the basic step-by-step procedure to conduct a landscape irrigation audit. This training will provide you with the know-how to conduct audits and add this value-added service to your business.
A joint program of Lowndes and Thomas County Extension
Friday, February 8, 2008
Private Pesticide Training - 02/18/2008 - 8:30 AM
If you need to renew your expired license, or apply for a new license, this class is meant for you.
Space is limited, so please reserve your spot by contacting the office at 229.225.4130 or email with the subject - Private Pesticide Test.
See you at the class,
Friday, January 25, 2008
west of Irwinville on Georgia Highway 32.]
Presiding: Johnny Rossi
9:00 AM Registration
9:30 Welcome ................ Johnny Rossi
9:45 Utilization of Whole Cottonseed in Beef Cattle Diets ......... Gary Hill
10:15 Grain on Grass Finishing of Beef Steers ................. Vanessa Corriher
10:45 Break
11:00 Bull Selection Tips ...................... Carole Brannen
11:30 Why Crossbreeding Works ............ Ronnie Silcox
1:00 PM Cattle Market Update and Outlook for 2008 ............ Curt Lacy
1:30 Producing High Quality Peanut Hay .................. Randy Franks
2:00 Utilizing Crop Residues ........... Johnny Rossi
2:30 Beef Industry Update ............ Jim Collins
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Horse Quiz Bowl
Monday, January 14, 2008
It will be held at the Decatur County Fairgrounds on Wednesday, January 30th, 2008 from 9AM until 3PM.
YOU must pre-register by January 28th!!!!!
See this form here, visit the GA dept of Ag website, or drop by the office to pick up a form.
View Larger Map
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Figuring out Cropland Cash Rental Rates
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
10:00 – 11:00
“Landscape Irrigation Troubleshooting”
Kerry Harrison – UGA Extension Irrigation Engineer
11:00 – 11:20
“Drought Tolerant Trees & Shrubs for Southern Gardens”
Jake Price – UGA Lowndes County Extension Agent
11:20 – 11:40
“Basics of Xeriscaping”
R. J. Byrne – UGA Thomas County Extension Agent
11:40 – 12:10
“Drought Disaster Relief”
Suzanne Barnett – Area Director
VSU Small Business Development Center
(229) 245-3738
THURSDAY - Jan 10th
10:00 – 12:30 p.m.
Thomas County Extension Office
227 West Jefferson Street – Thomasville, GA
(229) 225-4130
Also, if you cannot make the Thursday Meeting, there will be another meeting in Valdosta on Wednesday, Jan 9th. Transportation may be available.
10:00 – 12:30 p.m.
Lowndes County Extension Office
2102 East Hill Avenue – Valdosta, GA
(229) 333-5185 A cooperative effort of Lowndes and Thomas County Extension and the VSU Small Business Development Center (SBDC).
Two hours of pesticides recertification credits in category 24, “Ornamentals and Turf” have been applied for. Two hours of recertification credits for a private pesticide license has been applied for as well.
Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration and the University of Georgia.
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested in advance. For details, contact Rose Ware at the VSU SBDC Office: (229) 245-3738